MTV’s reality series Teen Mom: Family Reunion returns with its third season, and in this episode, “Rooftop Romance & Red Flags,” the cast lets loose during a party at a rooftop bar in Cartagena, Colombia. However, the fun takes a turn when tensions rise and two couples clash.
The episode, airing on Wednesday April 17, features Cheyenne Floyd and Mackenzie McKee, who are on a journey of self-improvement and reconciliation. They have traveled to Cartagena, hoping to strengthen their relationships and address their issues with the help of professional life coaches.
Cheyenne and Mackenzie recover from a tense hypnosis session, indicating that this trip is about confronting their fears and overcoming challenges. As they let loose during the rooftop party, their fun is cut short by a clash between two couples, likely involving heated arguments and emotional confrontations.
The show brings together cast members from different iterations of the Teen Mom franchise, including Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2, and Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant. The series offers a unique perspective on the lives of young mothers, their relationships, and the complexities of parenting.
Teen Mom: Family Reunion airs on MTV at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.