Tell Me How I Died: Crushing Suspicion (A&E, Friday, August 30, 2024)

Tell Me How I Died

In the seventh episode of Tell Me How I Died, titled “Crushing Suspicion,” the focus is on a young woman’s death in a car crash. The circumstances raise suspicions of foul play, prompting an investigation by the coroner’s office.

The episode, and the series, looks into the world of forensic pathology, where skilled professionals combine medical knowledge with investigative skills to unravel mysterious deaths. In this instance, they must determine whether the car crash was a tragic accident or something more sinister.

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The pathologists examine the victim’s body for clues, treating the autopsy as a crucial piece of the puzzle. Their findings will either confirm the initial suspicions or reveal a completely different scenario.

Tell Me How I Died: Crushing Suspicion airs on A&E, August 30, 2024, at 10:00 PM.

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