The A&E documentary series Tell Me How I Died examines the intricacies of suspicious deaths, with forensic pathologists working alongside law enforcement to unravel enigmatic cases. In the latest episode, titled “Over The Edge,” the team confronts a perplexing scenario: a witness claims to have seen a nightclub owner leap to his death from his fifth-floor condo.
However, when Dr. Jennifer Nara performs an autopsy, she uncovers shocking new evidence that casts doubt on the apparent suicide. Could there be more to this case than meets the eye? The episode explores the possibility of foul play and the intricate process of determining the true cause of death.
The team must consider all angles, including the possibility of a tragic accident or something more sinister. With each piece of evidence, they piece together the puzzle, seeking justice and closure for the deceased and their loved ones.
Tell Me How I Died: Over The Edge airs on A&E on Friday, August 16, 2024, at 10:00 p.m.