“Ten Pound Poms,” the BBC period drama chronicling the lives of British families migrating to Australia after World War II, is set to return for a second season. First-look images offer a glimpse of what’s in store, featuring returning cast members and introducing new arrivals to the Australian landscape.
Michelle Keegan, Faye Marsay, and Warren Brown are back, their characters weathered by the Australian sun and still grappling with the challenges of their new lives. Joining them are several new characters, including the Skinner family from Ireland, trading one set of hardships for another, and a new landlord, Benny Bates, whose presence could prove to be either a blessing or a curse for the established characters.
Set in 1957, the second season will follow Kate Thorne and the Roberts family as they continue to navigate the complexities of life Down Under. The question remains: will they find the promised land they sought, or will their dreams continue to unravel in the face of unexpected obstacles? Given the show’s penchant for stark realism, the latter seems more likely, though hope, like the Australian sun, can be persistent.
Familiar Australian actors Rob Collins, Leon Ford, Declan Coyle, Stephen Curry, Hattie Hook, Finn Treacy, Emma Hamilton, and Cheree Cassidy will also reprise their roles, providing a local counterpoint to the British newcomers.
The first season of “Ten Pound Poms” was a resounding success for the BBC, drawing an impressive 7.7 million viewers within its first 28 days. Such strong viewership all but guaranteed a second season, and now, it’s poised to deliver another dose of compelling drama against the backdrop of 1950s Australia.
“Ten Pound Poms” season two airs in 2025 on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in the UK, and on Stan in Australia.
“Ten Pound Poms” is produced by Eleven for BBC One and iPlayer and Stan Australia. Executive Producers are Joel Wilson, Jamie Campbell, and Kate Crowe for Eleven, alongside Christian Baute and Ben Irving for BBC, Cailah Scobie and Amanda Duthie for Stan, and Alison Owen for Monumental Television. The series is created and written by Danny Brocklehurst. Writers for Season Two are Ryan Griffen, Smita Bhide, and Danny Brocklehurst. Directors are Ana Kokkinos and Tom McKay.