Lifetime presents Tempted by Love, a romantic tale executive produced by Terry McMillan and starring Garcelle Beauvais as Ava, a celebrated chef based in Europe. When Ava’s elderly aunt (played by Donna Biscoe) has a fall, she rushes back to South Carolina, leaving her prestigious career temporarily behind.
Upon her arrival, she meets Luke (Vaughn W. Hebron), a charming driver who is two decades her junior. As he drives her from the airport, their connection is immediate and intense, fueled by their shared passion for food and the joy of family.
As the story unfolds, Ava and Luke’s relationship blossoms, and they discover they are the perfect recipe for love. However, Ava soon finds herself grappling with the reality of their age difference. She realizes that Luke has a wealth of life experiences ahead of him, and this prompts her to reevaluate her own career and relationships.
The cast also includes Lela Rochon and Loretta Devine. The script is by Tamara T. Gregory and the director is Taliah Breon.
Tempted by Love airs on Lifetime on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 8:00 p.m.