The original documentary series My Haunted Hometown on T+E takes viewers on an immersive journey into haunted locations across Canada and the U.S. Going beyond ghost stories, the series invites viewers inside homes, bars, stores, and eerie venues, with residents as tour guides. They share their encounters with paranormal activity, from unexplained phenomena to poltergeists and shapeshifters.
Despite their fear, the residents refuse to leave, displaying their strong community bond. The series reveals how small-town life can unexpectedly lead to another dimension. My Haunted Hometown premieres during T+E’s nationwide free preview event, from 2 September 2024 to 3 November 2024, with new episodes every Friday leading up to October and the channel’s ‘Creep Week’ event.
By day, these small towns exude charm, but by night, their dark histories emerge. Each episode features true stories from three towns, providing an intimate look into small-town life’s dark side. Canadian towns include Strathroy, Ridgetown, and Windsor.
My Haunted Hometown is produced by Blue Ant Studios. Executive producers are Matthew Hornburg, Mark J.W. Bishop, and Donna Luke. The series is produced by Shannon McKinnon and directed by Ryan Marley, with Sam Linton overseeing production as VP of Production and Development for Global Media on behalf of Blue Ant Media. Blue Ant Studios handles global distribution.