The Netflix series “His & Hers”, a psychological thriller based on Alice Feeney’s novel, has added Emmy winner Jon Bernthal and Pablo Schreiber to its cast. The series stars and is executive produced by Tessa Thompson, with filmmaker William Oldroyd directing.
Bernthal will play Jack, a detective with a troubled past who becomes entangled in a complex murder case. Schreiber is Richard, a skilled cameraman at WSK TV News, who gets involved with the case when his wife, Lexy Jones, takes up the story as a field reporter.
The six-episode limited series is set in the hot climate of Atlanta and follows Anna, a reclusive news anchor, who becomes interested in a murder in her hometown of Dahlonega.
“His & Hers” is produced by Campout Productions, Freckle Films, and Viva Maude. The showrunner and executive producer is Dee Johnson, with William Oldroyd, Kristen Campo, Jessica Chastain, Kelly Carmichael, and Kishori Rajan also serving as executive producers. The series is written by Oldroyd, Johnson, and Bill Dubuque.