The Amazing Race embarks on a new leg of the competition as the remaining teams travel to Barbados. In this eighth episode of the thirty-sixth season, airing on CBS on Wednesday May 1, the teams visit the childhood home of superstar Rihanna, adding an exciting twist to their journey. With the competition intensifying, the racers must rely on their strength, wit, and teamwork to navigate stunning landscapes and embrace the vibrant culture of Barbados.
In previous episodes, the teams have traveled across South America, facing challenges and navigating diverse locations such as Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia. Now, they find themselves in a new environment, exploring the beauty and culture of Barbados.
The Amazing Race is a long-running reality competition series that first premiered in 2001. Hosted by Phil Keoghan, the show features teams of two racing around the world, completing tasks and facing physical and mental challenges.
The Amazing Race: That’s What Being Strong Will Do airs on CBS at 9:30 pm on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.