The popular British crime drama ‘The Bay’ returns with a new season, focusing on the mysterious death of a young university student, Hannah Dawson. Premiering on BritBox in North America on September 18, the fifth season sees the Morecambe’s MIU team take on another case. Hannah’s body is found on the docks in Morecambe, and it’s up to the dedicated Family Liaison Officer, DS Jenn Townsend, to support Hannah’s family and uncover the truth.
Actress Marsha Thomason, known for her roles in ‘COBRA’ and ‘White Collar’, plays DS Jenn Townsend, a character dealing with personal grief while examining Hannah’s life and the secrets it holds. As the investigation progresses, the team uncovers hidden friendships and secret liaisons and faces rising anger within the student community.
The fifth season of ‘The Bay’ arrives in North America exclusively on BritBox. The show is produced by Tall Story Pictures for ITV. The executive producers are Catherine Oldfield and Chris Lang.