The contestants on Channel 9’s The Block’s reached a critical point with their guest bedroom reveals on Sunday night. The episode started with a light-hearted celebration of Grant’s 30th birthday at a mini-golf party, but the atmosphere soon shifted to the strained relationship between Jesse and Paige, who were notably absent.
Ricky and Haydn, fresh from their recent win, arrived late at the party, having been celebrating their win elsewhere. The unexpected appearance of The Block’s foreman Keith, for the first time this year, was a major surprise for the teams, as he organised a mini-golf challenge, with Mimi winning and sharing her bonus prize with Grant.
As attention returned to the houses, Keith’s inspection marked a turning point. Jesse and Paige’s stress increased, leading to a heated dispute with Block Shop’s Nadia over missing materials. Despite video evidence to the contrary, they denied making a late-night call to Nadia. All teams manage to finish their rooms though before Scotty tells them to down tools.
Guest Bedroom Scores:
– House No.1 (Jesse and Paige): 26.5/30. The judges appreciated their modern colonial style.
– House No.2 (Courtney and Grant): 27/30. Marty praised their design choices, forecasting a successful auction.
– House No.3 (Ricky and Haydn): 26.5/30. The judges acknowledged their progress, describing their style as “Holiday Resort.”
– House No.4 (Kylie and Brad): 27.5/30. Their kid’s room impressed the judges.
– House No.5 (Kristian and Mimi): 28/30. The couple secured the win with their well-designed room and excellent styling.
Kristian and Mimi’s strategic use of bonuses and consistently high scores strengthens their lead in the competition.