Animated sitcom The Great North returns with an episode that finds the Tobin family facing the challenges of being snowed in during a blizzard. In “Any Court in a Storm Adventure,” Beef Tobin attempts to maintain order and avoid cabin fever by running his household like the Royal British Navy. However, his plans are upended when a box of special candy is discovered half-eaten.
Beef, the family’s patriarch, attempts to maintain order and avoid the confines of cabin fever by running the household like the Royal British Navy. However, his efforts are thwarted when a box of special candy is discovered half-eaten. This discovery pushes his children, Judy, Wolf, Moon, and Ham, along with Honeybee, Jerry, and Mr. Golovkin, to turn against him. The peaceful household descends into chaos as tensions rise and the family members get at each other’s throats.
Created by Wendy Molyneux, Lizzie Molyneux, and Minty Lewis, the series includes Nick Offerman as Beef Tobin, Jenny Slate as Judy Tobin, and Dulcé Sloan as Honeybee Shaw.
In this particular episode, the Tobin family’s tranquil life is disrupted by the harsh Alaskan blizzard and the mysterious half-eaten candy box. Beef’s attempt to maintain order reflects his character as a loving and dedicated single father, who, despite his quirks, strives to keep his family together.
The Great North airs on FOX at 9.00 pm on Sunday, April 28, 2024.