Fantasy spin-off series “The Librarians: The Next Chapter” has found a new broadcast home on TNT, the original network that aired the popular series “The Librarians.” Initially, the show was set to debut on The CW following “Superman & Lois,” but was taken off the schedule, TNT have picked up the series for a 2025 broadcast.
“The Librarians: The Next Chapter” revolves around a time-traveling “Librarian” from the past who finds themselves stuck in the present, unintentionally releasing magic and forming a new team of Librarians to address the consequences. The cast includes Callum McGowan, Jessica Green, Olivia Morris, and Bluey Robinson.
The series is produced by Electric Entertainment, with executive producers Dean Devlin (who also serves as show runner), Marc Roskin, and Rachel Olschan-Wilson, and Noah Wyle as a producer.