In the premiere episode of The Michael Blackson Show, titled “The First Day Pt. 1,” we meet Michael Blackson, a passionate teacher with a unique approach to educating young minds. The episode airs on BET on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 10:00 PM.
Michael embarks on his first day as a high school history teacher, eager to leave a lasting impression on his students. However, a twist of fate intervenes, and he finds himself teaching a subject he never expected. Unfamiliar with the material, Michael deals with the challenge while also dealing with the surprise appearance of Ms. Randolph, who catches him in a compromising situation.
The episode stars Michael Blackson, Terri Abney, Clayton English, April Parker Jones, Josh Reiter, Noah Taliferro, and Tanjareen Thomas.
Catch the premiere of The Michael Blackson Show: ‘The First Day Pt. 1’ on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 10:00 PM on BET.