On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM, The CW presents a brand new episode of Crime Nation titled “Dynasty of Death.” This true crime sensation delves into the shocking downfall of an influential Southern family – the Murdaughs – after two members are found brutally murdered. As investigators unravel a vast network of secrets and lies surrounding this case, each two-hour episode reveals new details through expert analysis, exclusive reporting, and never-before-seen interviews.
Crime Nation tells gripping true crime stories that have captured national attention. With each episode, viewers gain deeper insights into these riveting cases thanks to meticulous research and firsthand accounts from those involved.
“Dynasty of Death” promises to shed light on the complexities behind this high-profile crime and the web of intrigue that led to its tragic outcome. As investigators work tirelessly to uncover the truth, viewers will be gripped by the twists and turns that emerge throughout this episode.
Join The CW on Tuesday, March 12 at 8:00 PM for Crime Nation’s “Dynasty of Death.” Immerse yourself in a world where secrets are exposed, lies are unraveled, and justice seeks its rightful place.