The highly anticipated series The Penguin, a spin-off of the epic DC Universe crime saga The Batman, debuts with its first episode, “After Hours.” Airing on HBO, this episode introduces us to the world of Oz Cobb, also known as The Penguin and played by Colin Farrell.
In the wake of Carmine Falcone’s death, Oz Cobb seeks to establish himself among Gotham’s criminal underworld.
The series, developed by showrunner Lauren LeFranc, expands upon the character portrayed by Farrell in the film The Batman.
With a runtime of 70 minutes, this episode sets the tone for the DC Studios series. The cast also includes Cristin Milioti as Sofia Falcone, the daughter of recently deceased Gotham kingpin Carmine Falcone. Other cast members include Rhenzy Feliz as Victor Aguilar, a teenager who befriends the Penguin, and Michael Kelly as Falcone underboss Johnny Vitti.
The series also features Clancy Brown as gangster Salvatore Maroni, and Mark Strong as Carmine Falcone.
The Penguin: After Hours premieres Thursday, 19 September 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on HBO.