In the episode ‘The Miramar Murders,’ The Real CSI: Miami examines the tragic case of Sharon Anderson and Marie Rogers, two young women who went missing after a night out in South Florida. Their bodies, along with that of nightclub owner Butch Casey, were found in a devastating execution-style murder scene. The investigation uncovers a hidden security camera that captured the entire murder on videotape.
On June 26, 1994, Sharon Anderson and Marie Rogers decided to unwind at a nearby bar, Casey’s Nickelodeon, after Anderson had spent the day working on a script. They were joined by the bar owner, Butch Casey (real name Casimir Sucharski), who invited them to his home for an after-party. However, when Anderson’s mother woke up the next day, her daughter hadn’t returned, prompting a missing person report.
Police officers made a gruesome discovery: the bodies of Anderson, Rogers, and Casey in Casey’s living room, with signs of forced entry and a possible armed home invasion. The victims had been brutally beaten and shot to death, with bruises covering their bodies and blood splattered on the walls. The furniture in the room was trashed, indicating a violent struggle.
The initial investigation faced challenges due to a lack of leads. While the bartender confirmed that the three had left the bar together, there were no witnesses to the murder, and Casey’s neighbors hadn’t noticed anything suspicious. With Sharon Anderson and Marie Rogers having no known enemies, police began to explore whether Casey’s business dealings played a role in the tragic incident.
It was only with the help of footage from a hidden CCTV camera that the case was eventually solved, bringing some measure of justice to the families of the victims.
The Real CSI: Miami – The Miramar Murders airs Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at 9:00 PM on CBS.