Channel 4 has greenlit what promised to be a compelling three-part series titled “The Real Serpent: Investigating a Serial Killer.” This unique show will feature Charles Sobhraj, infamous for his ability to manipulate and deceive his victims, participating in psychological and criminal interrogations related to unsolved murders.
Released from prison in Nepal in December 2022 after nearly two decades, Sobhraj agreed to be filmed for six months as he recounts the murders he is connected to. Former detectives and a leading forensic psychologist will challenge his account, aiming to uncover the truth behind these crimes.
While Sobhraj has been convicted of two killings and initially admitted to ten more in 1977 before retracting those confessions, there are suspicions of numerous additional murders. This lack of closure or accountability has left families devastated.
“The Real Serpent” takes a fresh approach by having former senior Metropolitan Police detectives Jackie Malton and Gary Copson re-examine the murders and conduct interviews with key individuals involved. Additionally, renowned forensic psychologist Paul Britton will engage in extensive discussions with Sobhraj to assess whether he remains a psychopathic threat to society.
The series delves into Sobhraj’s past activities targeting Western tourists along the hippie trail during the 1970s. While admitting involvement in over a hundred instances of drugging and theft, Sobhraj denies any connection to murder. The focus will be on five well-known killings that occurred in Thailand in 1975. These cases undergo intense scrutiny throughout the three episodes as experts challenge Sobhraj’s claims.
After being convicted of culpable homicide and robbery in India in 1978, Sobhraj served ten years before executing an audacious prison break. Captured again, he received an additional ten-year sentence. Upon his release in 1997, the statute of limitations had expired for the Thai murder cases, enabling him to return safely to France without facing extradition proceedings.
In 2003, Sobhraj was arrested in Nepal and sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1975 murder of Connie Jo Bronzich. He also received a sentence for killing her Canadian companion, Laurent Carrière. However, in December 2022, the Supreme Court of Nepal ordered his release due to his old age after serving 19 years.
“The Real Serpent” represents an unprecedented attempt by Monster Films to uncover the truth behind these horrific crimes and seek justice for the victims. The series seeks to understand how Sobhraj, linked to so many murders, has managed to remain free worldwide.
Shaminder Nahal, Commissioning Editor and Head of Specialist Factual at Channel 4, expressed the importance of shedding light on these historical crimes and providing accountability for the victims: “The big questions underpinning the series are whether fifty years on, there is any hope of getting to the truth of these historic crimes and to get some accountability for the victims and their families.”
With its long development period spanning eight years, “The Real Serpent” offers unparalleled insight into Charles Sobhraj’s life and heinous acts as The Serpent—the man who terrorized countless individuals during an era when young people embarked on Asian adventures seeking knowledge and experiences.
Directed by David Howard and produced by Rik Hall with Chris Shaw serving as executive producer for Monster Films.