In the latest episode of HBO’s “The Regime,” viewers are taken further into the intricate web of political maneuverings and personal dynamics within a modern European regime. Airing on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 9.00pm, this second installment, titled “The Founding” delves into the escalating concerns surrounding Zubak’s growing influence.
Nicholas joins forces with Laskin, Schiff, and Singer to devise a plan to undermine Corporal Zubak in the eyes of Elena, the central figure of power in the regime. With a crucial cobalt deal hanging in the balance, Elena welcomes Senator Judith Holt to negotiate an agreement between their respective countries.
As tensions rise and alliances shift within the palace walls, Agnes finds herself evading Laskin’s probing questions about her son’s seemingly miraculous recovery from illness.
“The Regime” features an impressive ensemble cast including Kate Winslet, Matthias Schoenaerts, Guillaume Gallienne, Andrea Riseborough, Martha Plimpton and Hugh Grant. This limited series offers an intimate portrayal of a year in the life of a faltering regime as it grapples with internal struggles and external pressures.
Tune in to HBO on Sunday March 10th at 9.00pm for another intriguing episode of “The Regime.”