The Sky at Night presents a special episode, “Nicky, NASA and the Next Frontier,” airing on BBC Four on Monday, 12 August 2024. The episode looks at the life and career of Dr. Nicola Fox, NASA’s head of science, who hails from the UK.
In this episode, presenter Chris Lintott chats with Dr. Fox about her early life, growing up in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, and her journey into the field of astronomy. They explore her love for the stars and how it evolved into a dream job at NASA. Lintott uncovers the challenges she faced and the pivotal moments that shaped her career.
Maggie Aderin-Pocock, a fellow physicist, joins Dr. Fox on a trip down memory lane. The two women both studied physics at Imperial College London during the late 1980s and early 1990s. As they revisit their alma mater, they reminisce about their experiences and discuss the changes they’ve witnessed in the field of science and technology. Aderin-Pocock and Dr. Fox also reflect on how these advancements are now fueling the missions that Dr. Fox leads at NASA.
The episode also includes a conversation between Chris Lintott and Dr. Fox about her current role as the associate administrator for the science mission directorate at NASA.
The Sky at Night: Nicky, NASA and the Next Frontier airs on Monday, 12 August 2024, at 10:00 PM on BBC Four.