In the third episode of the Irish drama series “The Vanishing Triangle,” airing on SBS on Thursday 21 March, 2024 at 9.20pm, the intriguing narrative unfolds further. David, determined to uncover the truth, makes efforts to obtain a statement from Teresa and elicit a confession from Bulger. Meanwhile, Lisa takes it upon herself to delve into whether Bulger could potentially be the killer.
Amidst this unfolding investigation, Susan finds herself desperately seeking information from the Gardai when an anonymous caller claims to possess crucial details about Amy. The stakes are raised as Lisa’s article about her mother’s murder grabs public attention and triggers a disturbing trend: more girls start disappearing.
Inspired by true events, “The Vanishing Triangle” follows investigative journalist Lisa Wallace and Detective David Burkely as they navigate through Ireland in search of the missing girls while being tormented by an elusive killer.
Don’t miss this brand new episode featuring compelling performances by India Mullen, Allen Leech, and Adam Richardson. Tune in to SBS on Thursday 21 March at 9.20pm for another gripping installment of “The Vanishing Triangle.”