Premiering on Tuesday April 30, 2024, on FX on Hulu, “The Veil” is a limited series that should be a heady tale of espionage and intrigue. Created by Steven Knight (whose 1980’s music drama This Town finished on the BBC this week) and produced by FX Productions, the show stars Elisabeth Moss as Imogen Salter, an MI6 agent with a unique ability to detect lies.
The series follows the relationship between two women, Imogen and Adilah El Idrissi (played by Yumna Marwan), who find themselves entangled in a deadly game of truth and lies. Adilah, a former ISIS fighter, is accused of being a high-ranking commander planning a terrorist attack. Imogen’s mission is to transport Adilah from a refugee camp on the Syria-Turkey border to her home in France, all while determining the truth behind Adilah’s identity and intentions.
The show’s premise allows for twists and turns, with neither woman fully revealing the truth about herself. Their complex dynamic unfolds against the backdrop of stunning international locations, including Istanbul, Paris, and London. The cast is further bolstered by Dali Benssalah as Malik Amar, a French intelligence agent and Imogen’s lover, and Josh Charles as Max Peterson, a swaggering CIA operative.
As the show premieres, it’s good to see a stylish spy thriller that actually focuses on women in a normally male-dominated genre.
The Veil premieres on FX on Hulu on Tuesday April 30, 2024 on FX on Hulu.