In the penultimate episode of thriller series The Wives, the family is in a frenzy as they search for Sky. The situation intensifies when Natasha realizes her car is missing, and Luca’s bag is mysteriously found hidden in the boot. Despite Sky’s inability to drive, she becomes the prime suspect. Sean shares his suspicions with Sylvie, suggesting that Charlie may have been involved in Annabelle’s disappearance, especially since he is set to inherit her money.
The police recover Natasha’s car, which has been crashed, but there is no sign of Sky. Natasha desperately pleads to inspect the vehicle, but the police refuse her access. Determined to uncover the truth, the wives gather at the old radar tower to meet with OceanMagic22, a potential lead in their amateur detective work.
Meanwhile, Luca demands that Natasha return his bag immediately, adding to the mounting pressure. Natasha confides in the other wives about her dilemma, and together, they wait at the tower for their mysterious contact.
The Wives, airs Tuesday, 24 September 2024, at 9:00 pm on Channel 5.