In the final episode of Channel 5 thriller The Wives, the tension rises as Sylvie (Tamzin Outhwaite) and Natasha (Angela Griffin) urgently hunt for Luca (Louis Boyer). Meanwhile, Sean (Jonathan Forbes) makes a significant move by going to meet his brothers.
Elsewhere, Charlie (Jamie Bamber), desperate to evade arrest, heads to the port with Sky (Catriona Chandler) and Jade (Katie Clarkson-Hill) in tow. The situation escalates when Frankie (Ben Willbond) alerts Beth (Jo Joyner), who makes her way to the port, closely pursued by the police. As Charlie prepares to leave on a boat, the police arrive and the confrontation intensifies, with officers threatening to shoot him.
With the season drawing to a close, the episode promises to deliver a climactic conclusion to the gripping story of these interconnected families. Will Sylvie and Natasha find Luca? What does this meeting hold for Sean and his brothers? And will Charlie manage to escape, or will he be caught in the act?
The Wives: Final Episode airs Wednesday, 25 September 2024, at 9:00 pm on Channel 5.