Six-part mystery drama series The Wives makes its debut on Monday night, exploring the unravelling of the Morgan family during a summer that changes their lives forever. In the first episode, the family anxiously searches for Charlie Morgan’s (Jamie Bamber) wife, Annabelle, who has mysteriously disappeared. Beth Morgan (Jo Joyner), Charlie’s sister-in-law, repeatedly calls Annabelle, and we see her phone ringing perilously on the edge of a cliff.
One year later, the Morgan family returns to Malta for their summer holiday, still reeling from Annabelle’s absence. Beth and Natasha arrive with their husbands, Frankie (Ben Willbond) and Sean (Johnathan Forbes), who are brothers. Sylvie (Tamzin Outhwaite), recently divorced from their other brother, Tom, joins them, embracing her new single life.
Charlie arrives with his daughter, Sky (Catriona Chandler), and his new girlfriend, Jade (Katie Clarkson-Hill), who bears an uncanny resemblance to Annabelle, unnerving Beth. While Sylvie enjoys a sexy tryst with Luca, a young local man, Natasha (Angela Griffin) discovers that Sean has been secretly borrowing money from their student daughter, Alice, leading to an emotional breakdown.
Beth’s suspicions about Jade grow, and she shares her concerns with Natasha and Sylvie, who are sceptical. Determined to find out the truth, Beth sneaks into Charlie’s apartment to snoop but is forced to hide in the wardrobe when Charlie and Jade return unexpectedly.
The Wives premieres Monday, 16 September 2024, at 9:00 pm on Channel 5.