The story of the Titanic, the most famous ship in history, and its tragic fate are brought to life in a vivid new light in this two-part documentary series, Titanic in Colour. The second and final episode, airing on Channel 4 on Sunday, 11 August 2024, at 8:00 pm, gives us a unique perspective on the ship’s final hours and the lasting impact of its sinking.
On the morning of the Titanic’s final day, viewers are transported back in time through specially colourised film footage from 1921, shot aboard the Titanic’s sister ship, the Olympic. This rare footage provides a detailed glimpse into the ship’s appearance and atmosphere on that fateful morning, adding a new dimension to our understanding of the events that unfolded.
The programme follows the Titanic’s journey across the Atlantic and its eventual descent into the icy depths, combining colourised photographs and film with the narratives of survivors. Newly restored film footage captures the dramatic moments of their rescue by the ship Carpathia.
The episode also explores the enduring legacy of the Titanic disaster through the stories of relatives of those who were on board. It examines how the sinking of the world’s most famous ship continues to resonate and shape the lives of those connected to it, even a century later.
Titanic in Colour: Episode 2 airs on Sunday, 11 August 2024, at 8:00 pm on Channel 4.