The story of the Titanic, the most famous ship in history, is often depicted in black and white. However, in this series premiere, Channel 4 presents the ship and its story in a whole new light, revealing the true colours of both the vessel and the people associated with it. Airing on Sunday, 4 August 2024, at 8:00 pm, the episode utilises specially colourised photographs and film footage, bringing the early 20th century to life.
This first episode takes us from the Titanic’s construction in Belfast to its final photo as it embarks on its ill-fated voyage into the North Atlantic. Through personal stories from passengers’ relatives, the excitement and grandeur of the brand-new ship are captured, and the luxurious interior is restored to its former glory – all presented in vibrant colour.
Titanic in Colour: Series Premiere airs Sunday, 4 August 2024, at 8:00 pm on Channel 4.