Love & Translation returns with an intriguing new episode titled “Francais Kiss,” set to air on TLC on Sunday, March 3rd at 10:00 PM. In this brand new installment, three women express their desire to leave the house, leading to a series of unexpected events. Sangita presents a kissing challenge that offers the men and women an opportunity to connect physically. As new connections begin to flourish, an old flame reignites, sparking tension between the women and Tripp.
Love & Translation follows the journey of three American bachelors as they venture into paradise where they are joined by twelve women from nine different countries who do not speak English. This unique dating experiment pushes the boundaries of communication and tests the power of connection beyond language barriers.
By delving into the challenges faced by these individuals in their search for love, Love & Translation explores themes of cultural diversity and human connection in a truly global context. Viewers can expect fascinating interactions and compelling narratives as love finds its way amidst cross-cultural differences.
Don’t miss “Francais Kiss” on Sunday, March 3rd at 10:00 PM only on TLC.