Todd Talbot, the real estate expert and TV personality known for Love It or List It Vancouver, embarks on a new venture with the documentary series Todd Talbot Builds: The Passive House Project, premiering on Cottage Life. The eight-part series, airing Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT from October 8, is an intimate glimpse into Talbot’s construction journey as he builds a net-zero, passive house.
In this series, Talbot trades his realtor hat for multiple roles, including project manager, financier, and associate designer. He leads a construction team, joined by architects, engineers, and environmental experts, as they employ sustainable building techniques. Talbot and his wife, actor Rabecca Talbot, set out to build their dream home—a net-zero, passive house A-frame on British Columbia’s picturesque Okanagan Lake, just outside Kelowna.
The series highlights cutting-edge construction methods and the science behind eco-friendly homes. It gained international attention during British Columbia’s record-breaking wildfire season in the summer of 2023. Talbot’s project was directly impacted by the wildfires, forcing him, his wife, and their children to evacuate and pause their build. Thankfully, the passive house elements remained largely intact.
“My wife Rabecca and I spent over four years documenting the construction of our family’s A-frame passive house, sharing our insights on sustainable and resilient building practices,” says Todd Talbot. “Our project’s devastating ending inspired us to keep filming so we could emphasize the powerful impact of B.C.’s wildfires. We’re now finally ready to share the ups and downs of our journey with Cottage Life viewers.”
Passive houses are renowned for their energy efficiency and health benefits. Additionally, they offer enhanced resilience to wildfires, a crucial advantage. Todd Talbot Builds: The Passive House Project not only highlights the construction process but also emphasizes the importance of sustainable and resilient homes in the face of climate change.
Todd Talbot Builds: The Passive House Project premieres on Cottage Life on Tuesday, October 8, at 8 p.m. ET/PT.