In the seventh episode of Troppo, Ted (Thomas Jane) and Amanda’s (Nicole Chamoun) investigation intensifies as they uncover a second crime scene related to Julian’s (Andrew Buchanan) murder and find themselves entangled in Twist’s (Simon Lyndon) turf war with the duboisia kingpin.
When Ted (Thomas Jane) and Amanda (Nicole Chamoun) arrive at the drug field, Twist (Simon Lyndon) dismisses their suspicions, informing them that growing duboisia plants is not illegal. He vehemently denies any involvement in his brother’s death, leaving them with more questions than answers.
Amanda remains convinced that the boatyard thugs are implicated in Julian’s (Andrew Buchanan) murder, pointing to the tyres on their pickup truck as evidence. However, Twist ridicules their theory and abruptly ends their inquiry, leaving Ted and Amanda surprised to learn that he was their client for Julian’s murder case. This raises intriguing questions about who is truly pulling the strings.
The pair’s investigation takes an intriguing turn as they learn that Julian had discovered the duboisia field before his demise. Following a forest path from Family Tree to the drug field, they stumble upon a second crime scene and find evidence of a broken tail light, which does not match the thugs’ vehicle. This leads them to realise that the boatyard thugs were not responsible for Julian’s murder.
Back at the boatyard, Ted and Amanda make a disturbing discovery that indicates Twist may have believed their theory about the thugs and exacted his unique brand of revenge on them. Fearing retaliation from the drug kingpin, they worry about Raph’s (Ethan Lwin) safety. However, before they can locate him, Amanda uncovers the identity of Claire Bingley’s attacker, and Ted finds himself caught in the crossfire of Twist’s escalating situation.
Troppo, Series 2, Episode 7 airs Friday 16 August 2024 at 8:45 pm on ABC Australia.