In the premiere of Universal Basic Guys, titled “Pet Projects,” Mark and Hank Hoagies tackle their newfound free time and income after losing their jobs to automation. Mark’s attempt to gift Tammy an exotic pet backfires when the purchased chimpanzee attacks him.
Meanwhile, Hank forms an unexpected bond with the chimpanzee via its Bluetooth connection. Elsewhere, David’s dog proves to be a hero, rescuing David and Mernft Man from a pet snake.
The animated comedy series, created by Adam and Craig Malamut, explores the lives of the Hoagies brothers, who find themselves enrolled in a basic income program, receiving $3,000 per month, after their town’s hot dog factory switches to automation. With this unexpected windfall, Mark and Hank embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking purpose and meaning in a rapidly changing world.
Universal Basic Guys: Pet Projects airs on Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. on FOX.