Vienna Blood returns with a brand new two-part story, “Mephisto Waltz,” set in the enchanting city of Vienna in 1909. In this episode, Oskar, the director of security, finds himself in a perplexing situation. He arranges a confidential meeting with a notorious criminal who has recently been apprehended, but the meeting takes an unexpected turn when it is suddenly disrupted.
This development prompts Oskar to initiate a search for the identity of a high-powered traitor, whose existence poses a significant threat to the empire. Recognising the magnitude of the challenge ahead, Oskar seeks the assistance of Max, who has just returned from a successful tour of America.
With the stability of the empire at stake, Oskar and Max must employ their distinct skills and insights to unravel the traitor’s identity and put a stop to their nefarious activities.
Vienna Blood: Mephisto Waltz, Part 1 will be broadcast on Sunday, 4 August 2024, at 9:00 pm on BBC TWO.