The premiere episode of Walter Presents: 1985, an engaging Belgian coming-of-age drama series, is set to air on Channel 4 in the early hours of Tuesday morning. This episode coincides with the launch of the full series, available for streaming from Friday, 13 September.
Based on true events from the 1980s, the story takes place during a turbulent era in Brussels, marked by the reign of a murderous gang that instilled fear in the city.
Friends Marc De Vuyst and Franky Verhellen aspire to join the Belgian police’s elite gendarmes. However, their journey begins amidst a crisis within the corps, as Major Vernaillen uncovers a drug trafficking operation orchestrated by the high-ranking Commandant François, revealing deep-seated corruption.
Starring Tijmen Govaerts, Aimé Claeys, Mona Mina Leon, Peter Van den Begin, Roda Fawaz, Tibo Vandenborre, and Barbara Sarafian. The series is presented in Flemish with English subtitles, enhancing the authenticity of the narrative.
Walter Presents: 1985 Series Premiere airs Tuesday, 17 September 2024, at 12:35 am on Channel 4, with the full series also available for streaming.