The iconic quiz show, The Weakest Link, returns with a special episode featuring some of the UK’s top comedic talent. BAFTA award-winning comedian Romesh Ranganathan takes on the role of host, inviting eight of his comedy peers to put their general knowledge to the test.
With a chance to win up to £50,000 for their chosen charities, the competition, as always, will be full of intense rivalry and hilarious moments.
The comedians taking part in this episode include Angela Barnes, Phil Wang, Josh Pugh, Laura Smyth, Ria Lina, Maisie Adam, Iain Stirling, and Geoff Norcott.
Each round, one player will be voted out by their fellow contestants as The Weakest Link, leaving empty-handed. Only two players will make it to the final head-to-head round, where one will be crowned the strongest link and take home the prize.
The Weakest Link: Comedians Special airs on BBC One at 8:30 pm on Saturday, 28 September 2024.