White Fever Episode 2, 17 April 2024, ABC TV

White Fever Episode 2

In the second episode of White Fever, airing Wednesday 17 April on ABC TV, Jane Thomas finds herself at her best friend Edi’s wedding, determined to snag an Asian man. However, her plans are derailed when her old school friend, Yu Chang, rejects her. As the episode unfolds, Jane navigates romantic misadventures and confronts her past.

Jane, played by Ra Chapman, has a love for hairy white men, which her friends call out as a “white man fetish”. In this episode, she sets out to reprogram her libido and explores new romantic possibilities. She invites her work colleague Charlie, played by Harvey Zielinski, to be her plus-one at Edi’s wedding, where she becomes distracted by the influx of Asian guests.

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Jane’s quest for a new romantic interest leads her to set her sights on a hot Asian man, whom she almost hits with her car. At the wedding, she flirts with one of the groomsmen, Vincent, but their connection fizzles out. She then turns her attention to her childhood friend Yu Chang (Chris Pang), now going by his Chinese name, but he rejects her advances.

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As the episode continues, Jane visits her mum, Deidre (Roz Hammond), and is confronted with a letter from her past. Meanwhile, she reflects on her first date with an Asian man, which ended in disaster. Jane’s journey of self-discovery and her attempts to reprogram her libido lead her to some unexpected places, including purchasing an Asian sex doll in a later episode.

White Fever explores themes of identity, cultural connections, and the complexities of relationships. The series navigates the challenges of reprogramming one’s desires and the unexpected paths that life can take.

White Fever Episode 2 airs on ABC TV at 9.00 pm on Wednesday, 17 April 2024.

Jackson Anderson, your go-to Australian TV Correspondent, reporting on all things Aussie TV and Streaming. With a deep passion for extreme sports, especially snowboarding, I blend my love for adrenaline with my storytelling skills. Join me as I dive into the world of Australian entertainment and bring you all the latest news.