The premiere episode of Wiggin’ Out with Tokyo Stylez introduces viewers to the talented Tokyo and her iconic wig styling skills. In this first episode, Tokyo faces the challenge of a wig malfunction for none other than Cardi B, while also crafting a custom glueless wig for Trina Braxton.
Tokyo Stylez, the celebrated wig stylist, opens the doors to her salon in downtown LA, catering to a prestigious list of celebrity clients.
Each episode presents a unique creative journey, from the initial stitch to the final installation, as Tokyo curates and installs wigs for her high-profile clientele.
The pressure is on as Tokyo deals with the demands of her celebrity clientele, striving to meet deadlines and exceed expectations.
Wiggin’ Out with Tokyo Stylez, episode 1, airs on Friday, August 9, 2024, at 10:30 PM on WE tv.