Wildlife Nation with Jeff Corwin, May 11, 2024, “Florida’s Giants”

Wildlife Nation with Jeff Corwin

In the latest episode of Wildlife Nation with Jeff Corwin, we get taken on an immersive journey into the heart of Florida’s incredible wildlife. Airing on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at 11:00 AM on ABC, this installment, Florida’s Giants, focuses on two of Florida’s native giants: the elusive Florida black bear and the prehistoric-looking alligator snapping turtle.

Jeff Corwin ventures into the natural habitats of these fascinating creatures, offering viewers a rare glimpse into their lives. The Silver River and the Suwannee River serve as the backdrop for this exploration, as Jeff sheds light on the behaviors, adaptations, and ecological roles of these majestic species.

The Florida black bear is a subspecies of the American black bear, historically roaming the forests and swamps of Florida and neighboring states. With males averaging around 300 pounds and females roughly half that size, they are the second-largest terrestrial mammal in the state. Shy and reclusive by nature, these bears prefer the seclusion of forested areas and diverse habitats ranging from flatwoods to scrub oak forests.

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In contrast, the alligator snapping turtle stands out as the largest species of freshwater turtle in North America and one of the largest worldwide. Reaching weights of up to 250 pounds, it is characterized by its large head, powerful jaws, and spiked shell, giving it an ancient, primordial appearance. These turtles are found in freshwater habitats across the southeastern United States, often favoring rivers and streams that flow into the Gulf of Mexico.

In this episode, Jeff Corwin provides insights into the lives of these incredible creatures. He highlights the ecological significance of the Florida black bear and the critical role it plays in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Additionally, we will learn about the unique characteristics and behaviors of the alligator snapping turtle, including its hunting strategies and adaptations to aquatic environments.

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Tune in to ABC on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at 11:00 AM to join Jeff Corwin on this journey into the wild. Wildlife Nation continues to educate and entertain, offering valuable insights into the diverse wildlife that shares our planet.

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