BBC Studios has revealed that Wynne Evans will be a contestant on the upcoming series of Strictly Come Dancing, set to air this autumn on BBC One and BBC iPlayer. The multi-award-winning entertainment show, produced by BBC Studios, will return to BBC One and BBC iPlayer for it’s 20th anniversary season this autumn, despite all the recent brouhaha over alleged toxic backstage behavior, celebrating two decades of dance with promises of even more glitz, glamour, and unforgettable performances
Expressing his excitement, Evans said, “I am honestly still pinching myself. A portly balding opera singer like me taking part in Strictly Come Dancing?! I’m not entirely sure how I’ll get along, but if all else fails, I’ll just have to learn the art of distraction. What I do know is I will give it my all and aim to make Wales proud. I’m definitely going to try and combine my love of opera into one of my routines. Plus, after winning Celebrity MasterChef last year, maybe the route to the judges’ hearts will be through their stomachs!”
Evans, an opera singer, broadcaster, and presenter, brings a unique blend of talents to the dance floor. With a career spanning 25 years, he has achieved two number one classical music albums, performed as a principal at major opera houses worldwide, and given over 200 performances at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Currently, he hosts a daily radio show on BBC Radio Wales and has previously hosted shows on BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM.
Vernon Kay announced the news this morning on his Radio 2 show. The remaining celebrity contestants joining the new series will be announced in due course.
Strictly Come Dancing is a BBC Studios Entertainment Production for BBC One and BBC iPlayer, commissioned by Kalpna Patel-Knight, Head of Entertainment at the BBC. The executive producer for BBC Studios is Sarah James, with series editors Nicola Fitzgerald and Jack Gledhill, and series producers Ciara Murray and Joe Turner. The senior commissioning editor for the BBC is Jo Wallace.
UK News, Toyah Wilcox, Strictly Come Dancing, BBC One,