The hit series Yellowstone, produced by MTV Entertainment Studios and 101 Studios, has released an exclusive behind-the-scenes featurette ahead of its November 10th return on the Paramount Network. The featurette includes footage of the show’s stars, such as Luke Grimes, Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Cole Hauser, and Kelsey Asbille, offering a glimpse into the intense production process behind the show.
The series focuses on the Dutton family, owners of the largest cattle ranch in the U.S., as they face continuous battles with neighboring entities, such as an Indian reservation, a growing town, and a national park. Set against the backdrop of Montana’s vast terrain, the show highlights themes of power struggles, family loyalty, and the fight for survival.
The show was co-created by Oscar-nominated screenwriter Taylor Sheridan and John Linson. Executive producers include John Linson, Art Linson, Taylor Sheridan, Kevin Costner, David Glasser, Bob Yari, Stephen Kay, Michael Friedman, Christina Voros, and Keith Cox. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.