In the upcoming episode of Yellowstone Wardens, titled “Untagged and Ungutted,” airing Sunday, November 10th at 9/8c on Animal Planet, the tranquility of Yellowstone National Park is shattered by a wave of illegal hunting activities.
Conflicting reports from locals, apprehended trespassers, and the grim discovery of illegally shot deer create a complicated wildlife mystery for the wardens of regions four and six.
As the wardens attempt to piece together the puzzle of the illegal shootings, they must rely on their expertise and the assistance of the very community affected by these crimes. The involvement of local ranchers in the investigation adds a further dimension to the drama, raising questions of trust, shared responsibility, and the challenges of enforcing laws in a vast and often unforgiving landscape.
Yellowstone Wardens: “Untagged and Ungutted” airs Sunday, November 10th at 9/8c on Animal Planet.