In period drama serial A Tale of Two Cities, Sidney Carlton (James Wilby) gets caught up in intrigue in Revolutionary France. This 2 part mini-series was reasonably big of budget and populated with lots of well known faces both British and French.
The story was a joint production between Granada and French production company Dune, it commemorated the bicentennial of the French Revolution.
Cast: James Wilby as Sydney Carlton; Xavier Deluc as Charles Darnay; Serena Gordon as Lucie Manette; John Mills as Jarvis Lorry; Jean-Pierre Aumont as Doctor Manette; Anna Massey as Miss Pross; Alfred Lynch as Jerry Cruncher; Kathie Kriegel as Madame Defarge; Gerard Klein as Monsieur Defarge; Jean-Marc Bory as Marquis St Evremonde; Jean-Paul Tribout as Gaspard; Mary Healey as Mrs Cruncher; James Patten as Young Gerry; John Serret as Old Chemist; John Moffatt as Judge; John Woodvine as Attorney General; Jean-Pierre Stewart as Public Prosecutor; Jonathan Adams as Stryver; Derek Deadman as Cly; Karl Johnson as Barsad; Gilles Gaston-Dreyfus as Roadmender; Francois Lalande as Gabelle; Anthony Benson as Undertaker; Ron McCormack as Clergyman; Zoe Zag as Vengeance; Claude Le Saché as Aristocrat; André Maranne as Aristocrat
Writer: Arthur Hopcraft / Music: Serge Franklin / Novel: Charles Dickens / Costume: Franklin Tempest / Producer: Roy Roberts / Director: Philip Marnier
UK / ITV – Granada / 2×105 minute episodes / Broadcast 21 and 22 May 1989