One off ITV sitcom After The Boom Was Over followed the tribulations of a young couple, Jack (Tim Wylton) and Sally (Gabrielle Lloyd) as attempted to buy a house.
Made as part of an ITV anthology series called The Sound of Laughter the one off comedy didn’t eventuate to a series but did feature a young Jonathan Pryce in the cast as an estate agent.
Series: The Sound of Laughter Episode 5 of 7
Cast: TIM WYLTON as Jack Tatham; GABRIELLE LLOYD as Sally Ashcroft; MARTIN C. THURLEY as Mr Airedale; JONATHAN PRYCE as Mr Ambrose
Writer: Connor Fraser / Producer and Director: Les Chatfield
UK / ITV – ATV / 1×30 minute episode / Broadcast Thursday 25 August 1977 at 7.00pm