Sunday afternoon quiz show All Clued Up was hosted by David Hamilton and featuring two couples trying to gain control of a giant computer screen that would then allow then to try and guess what sentence was being spelled out on the screen, for instance, they would answer a general knowledge question, then move to the screen which featured the alphabet in giant numbers below it, they would then choose a letter which would be revealed (or not) on the screen, for every letter they won ten pounds.
The winning couple at first had the chance to compete in a final against the clock round to win 1000 pounds which they could then decide to keep half of and come back the following week to try and win 3000 pounds. Later series did away with the second appearance.
Based on a US format called The $1,000,000 Chance of a Lifetime.
production details
UK | ITV – TVS | x25 minutes | 1987-1992
David Hamilton as Host