Period BBC drama All For Love was set during the 19th century Napoleonic wars when dashing French officer Jacques St Ives (Jean Marc Barr) finds himself captured and stuck in a Scottish Prisoner of War Camp where he soon falls for the beautiful Flora (Anna Friel) who regularly visits the prison with her Aunt Miss Gilchrist (Miranda Richardson).
Based on the novel St Ives by Robert Louis Stevenson the drama was broadcast under that name outside of the UK.
Cast: JEAN MARC BARR as St Ives; ANNA FRIEL as Flora; MIRANDA RICHARDSON as Miss Gilchrist; RICHARD E. GRANT as Chevening; TIM DUTTON as Francois; CECILLE PALLAS as Mathilde; MICHAEL GOUGH as Count; JASON ISAACS as Alain; DESMOND BARRIT as Linlithgow; CHRISTOPHER McHALLEM as Gautier; JIMMY KEOGH as Jean; VERNON DOBTCHEFF as Bonnefoy
Writer: Allan Cubitt / Novel: St Ives by R.L Stevenson / Producers: Jonathan Cavendish, James Mitchell / Director: Harry Hook
UK / BBC-1 – Little Bird / 1×90 minute episodes / Broadcast Sunday 6 June 1999 at 9.00pm