In BBC comedy drama series All Good Things, 39 year old Shirley Frame (Brenda Blethyn) decides to go about helping people and generally doing good, much to the frustration of husband Phil (Warren Clarke), businessman brother Lawrence (Ken Stott) and best friend Rachel (Celia Imrie). After a lack of success with family and friends Shirley decides to join the Samaritans.
All Good Things was a strongly cast one season show with such luminaries as Jemma Redgrave, Ken Stott and Celia Imrie in the supporting cast.
Cast: Brenda Blethyn as Shirley Frame; Warren Clarke as Phil Frame; Paul Reynolds as Anthony Frame; Timothy Stark as Paul Frame; Ken Stott as Lawrence Wilson; Jemma Redgrave as Elaine Wilson; Barbara Young as Hetty Wilson; Ron Pember as Victor Wilson; Celia Imrie as Rachel Bromley
Writer: Lesley Bruce / Producer: Lynn Horsford / Director: Sharon Miller
UK / BBC-1 / 6×50 minute episodes / 14 May – 18 June 1991