Sitcom. Loosely based on the blended real lives of Academy Award nominee Will Smith and wife Jada Pinkett Smith, a divorced father (Duane Martin) with a young son and a new girlfriend (Elise Neal) is hoping his stubborn ex-wife (Lisa Raye) will not interfere. Although Robert (Martin) is not officially divorced, he is already planning on getting remarried.
Although buzz in Hollywood points to the behind-the-scenes presence of creator|executive producers Will and Jada, Will has only made a commitment to appear in a three-episode story line (as the new boyfriend of the soon-to-be ex-wife) and the average TV viewer won’t care if the Smiths are working behind the camera.
Did anyone, after all, really care that Sandra Bullock had a behind-the-scenes presence on ABC’s George Lopez? Did it help that two-time Oscar winner Jane Fonda spun off a sitcom from hit theatrical 9 to 5?
production details
USA | UPN and then The CW | x25 minutes | 16 September 2003 – 14 May 2007
Creators: Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith
Duane Martin as Robert James Sr.
Elise Neal as Tia Jewel
Tony Rock as Dirk Black
Terri J. Vaughn as Jonelle Abrahams
LisaRaye McCoy as Neesee James
Khamani Griffin as Robert James Jr. (Bobby)
Jaden Smith as Reggie