Period drama series In the early years of the 1960’s before the world discovered Psychedelia the Pryor family living in Philadelphia try to deal with their changing world. Daughter Meg (Brittany Snow) works in the studios of American Bandstand whilst father Jack owns a TV and Radio shop. Mother Helen is busy seeking a spot of independence for herself.
Making heavy use of the TV show American Bandstand the show features at least two contemporary artists performing each week as a vintage star on the Bandstand set whether it Usher as Marvin Gaye, Michelle Branch as Lesley Gore or LeAnn Rimes as Connie Francis. Created by Jonathan Prince the show is as much about the changing face of America in the 1960’s as it is a drama about family life.
production details
Vanessa Lengies as Roxanne Bojarski
Brittany Snow as Meg Pryor
Tom Verica as Jack Pryor
Gail O’Grady as Helen Pryor
Ethan Dampf as Will Pryor
Paul Wesley as Tommy DeFelice
Will Estes as JJ Pryor
Arlen Escarpeta as Sam Walker
Keith Robinson as Nathan Walker
Sarah Ramos as Patty Pryor
Virginia Madsen as Rebecca Sandstrom
Jonathan Adams as Henry Walker
Executive Producers: Dick Clark and Jonathan Prince
Creator: Jonathan Prince
USA / NBC / x60 minutes / 2002