Fantasy drama series Angel was a spin off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. After being banished from Sunningdale, centuries old vampire Angel moves to Los Angeles, searching for redemption and souls to save, also there from Sunningdale is would be actress Cordelia Chase.
GLENN QUINN’S character was killed off mid-way through season 1 – he was replaced by ALEXIS DENISOF as Wesley Wyndham-Price who came across from Buffy. In season 2 J AUGUST RICHARDS became a regular as Charles Gunn following a few guest appearances in the first season.
Season Four: The season’s highlights were the return of three familiar faces: Angelus (Boreanaz, reveling in his vamp-and-camp moments), whose presence elicited visits from rogue slayer Faith (Eliza Dushku) and Sunnydale witch Willow (Alyson Hannigan). Faith is the ultimate anti-hero: a savior in the form of a snarling, leather-clad sexpot with a killer roundhouse kick and the rap sheet to back it up. She may have had a hard time getting along with the Scoobies, but she’s a perfect fit for the ironic and jaded L.A. crew. And it was great fun to see Willow’s reaction when she was reunited with a newly hunky Wes (Hannigan’s real-life fiance, Alexis Denisof) and to observe her budding interest in fellow brainiac Fred (Amy Acker).
Willow’s perpetual perkiness also provided a nice contrast between life in Sunnydale and the City of Angels. Although she’s endearing (and powerful), her disposition reflects the different atmospheres of the two shows. Both revolve around battling demonic forces, but Buffy’s world promotes an attitude of optimism that Angel’s hardly dares to suggest anymore, a testament to the vampire’s unavoidable Sunnydale exodus.
Charisma Carpenter left to have a baby during season three but made occasional re-appearances.
production details
USA | WB TV – Warner Bros. – Kuzai Ent. | 111×50 minutes | Broadcast 5 October 1999 – 19 May 2004
Creator and Executive Producer: Joss Whedon
Theme Music: Holly Knight, Cami Elen, Jymm Thomas
David Boreanaz as Angel
Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase
Amy Acker as Winifred ‘Fred’ Burkle / Illyria
Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Andy Hallett as Lorne
Elizabeth Rohm as Kate Lockley
Glenn Quinn as Doyle
J. August Richards as Charles Gunn
James Marsters as Spike