In the year between the cancellation of Bosom Buddies and his debut on Newhart, Peter Scolari starred in the short-lived sitcom Baby Makes Five. The title referred to the fact that Peter’s character, Eddie Riddle, and his wife Jennie had just welcomed twins into their young family, which already consisted of three kids named Michael, Laura and Annie (played by Brandy Gold, sister to TV sitcom stars Missy and Tracey). Adding to the family chaos was the presence of Eddie and Jennie’s mothers, Blanche and Edna.
The sitcom only lasted one month on ABC, but Scolari soon found another role in a sitcom that would prove to last longer, as pompous yuppie Michael Harris in Newhart.
production details
UK / ABC / x25 minutes / Broadcast 1 April – 29 April 1983
Peter Scolari as Eddie Riddle
Louise Williams as Jennie Riddle
Janis Paige as Blanche
Priscilla Morrill as Edna Kearney
Andre Gower as Michael Riddle
Emily Moultrie as Laura Riddle
Brandy Gold as Annie Riddle