In thriller Bad Boy Blues, a gripping action thriller of friendship and betrayal, Paul is an underworld hitman who recruits his childhood friend AD on his next job – the execution of a drug dealing lawyer. The hit goes disastrously wrong when Paul and AD are caught in an ambush by armed police and a pitched gun battle ensues. Paul and AD hijack a mini-cab and force the driver at gun-point to act as a getaway. But AD has taken a bullet in his leg and is losing blood fast…
production details
UK | BBC Two | 1×60 minutes | 1990
Writer: Biyu Bandele-Thomas
Producer: Gub Neal
Director: Andy Wilson
Clive Owen as Paul
Maynard Eziashi as Ad
Christopher Fulford as George
Eve Bland as Jane
Burt Caesar as Easy Mojo
Nitzan Sharron as Fred
James D. White as Young Paul
Billy Lomas as Hit Man