Sitcom Baddiel’s Syndrome was a 2001 Sky sitcom that detailed episodes in the life of comedian David (David Baddiel) and his friends, including his immigrant cleaning lady Ava (Baddiel’s wife Morwenna Banks) who wanted David to marry her so she could stay in the country. Stephen Fry was a regular as David’s psychiatrist, Kim Thomson was Sian, Demetri Goritsas was Ethan and Peter Bradshaw played Lord Peter Harrington.
production details
UK / British Sky Broadcasting-Avalon (Pay TV) / 13×30 minute episodes / 2001
Executive Producer, Sky Television: Mark Freeland / Executive Producers: Richard Allen-Turner, David Baddiel, Jon Thoday / Producer: Sam Pinnell / Character of Ethan developed by Victor Wasserberg / Title Music: Cud / Titles: Open House / Music: Peter Baikie, John Collins / Costume Designer: June Nevin / Make-up Designer: Chrissie Baker